Kanishk Steel Industries Ltd, an ISO 9001:2000 certified company listed in BSE, is part of OPG Enterprises Group. Kanishk Steel is promoted by late Shri. O.P Gupta, who has established steel related business in Chennai, Salem and Mayavaram in Tamilnadu.
Kanishk Steel Industries has a turnover of Rs.25197.48 Lakhs as of 31.03.2017
The company manufactures steel products (Finished goods) both Constructional steel and Structural steel conforming to the Bureau of Indian Standards BIS 1786 and IS 2062 (equivalent to ASTM, BS, DIN). . |
Kanishk TMT Bars
Thermo mechanically treated steel, known as TMT steel, can be described as a new-generation-high-strength steel having superior properties such as weldability, strength, ductility and bendability meeting highest quality standards at international level.
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